Community Outreach
Christina Kantzavelos (@buenqamino/ @beginwithintoday) is a San Diego-based freelance writer, content creator, gluten-free food/travel blogger, licensed psychotherapist, and chronic-illness warrior and advocate. She was diagnosed with celiac disease and POTS in her early adulthood, and later Lyme Disease and co-infections in October of 2018, however, has struggled with debilitating symptoms for years. Her treatment has included a mixture of eastern and western modalities, nutritional changes, a switch to non-toxic living, clean beauty, DNRS (neural-retraining therapy), as well as a strong focus on self-care, such as journaling, painting, joining CoDA, and being out in nature. From being couch-bound, and sensitive to just about everything (scents, food, EMF's), she is now back in the world, hiking again, and tolerating most foods, and scents. Although she is still on the road to healing, she has made a conscious decision to choose an attitude and intention of thriving, over an obsession with surviving, and hopes to share that with others.
She recently published 'Begin Within - A Daily Healing Journal' (www.beginwithintoday.com) for those living life with chronic illness or other health-related challenges. This journal allows you to document everything from your vitals to your nutrition, mood, medications, symptoms, challenges, and accomplishments (big and small), with a focus on gratitude. Documenting such information is helpful for healthcare appointments and makes a great reference for recalling specific information written down, as well as noting any progress. Journaling daily is wonderful for one's own mental health and can provide valuable insight and support on your path to wellness. All journals contain three months, or one season worth of daily prompts. Each month, she donates a portion of journal sales to an organization that promotes advocacy, research, and resources to/for the chronic illness community.