Avril Lavigne
“Avril Lavigne has been someone who has inspired me since I was a teenager. I’ve been a fan of her music throughout the years. She’s made a massive, positive impact on people’s lives, (including mine), through her latest song, “Head Above Water”. I admire her resilience with her current battle of Lyme disease. She’s using her platform to educate the public and sharing the story of hundreds of thousands of people who are battling Lyme and feel as if they have no voice. Her foundation is also supporting children and young adults to directly receive financial help for treatment which is just another reason why she’s someone who inspires me.”
Dr. Nicola McFadzean
“Dr. Nicola McFadzean was the doctor who did the most for me with my Lyme battle. She’s very educated about the disease and has such a kind heart towards her patients. She’s written multiple books informing her patients, their families & the general public about tick-borne infections. Her staff at RestorMedicine are all so kind & supportive. Knowing Dr. Nicola has truly been a blessing and she will always be someone who inspires me!"
Holly Zelinsky
“Holly Zelinsky is definitely someone who inspires others, all along facing her own challenges while battling Lyme Disease. Holly has started Lyme Awareness Minnesota with a very focused purpose--to educate the children all over Minnesota about ticks and Lyme Disease! She has been working tireless to fund two book which inform children about ticks and how you can get sick from them, as well as instilling empathy in those who may not understand why a friend is ill. Holly wants these books, 'Nick, the No Good Icky Tick' and 'Grace and Scout', to be in the libraries of every elementary school library across the entire state! How awesome is that!! In previous years she has also hosted a very successful Lyme Walk through the Mall of American and a wonderful Gala, raising much needed money for two different organizations.
Holly Sunshine, her Facebook page, is truly that--a beautiful ray of sunshine and beacon of hope for so many not only in Minnesota but across the country! Even during her days of illness, she was fighting for others. She is always providing support to anyone who needs advice or help. Holly truly exudes the character of a person who inspires others! She certainly inspires me:)”
Lauren Lovewell
Lauren has been on our radar since her famous Lyme Warrior apparel started popping up on friends and Lyme Warriors all over the country. We are inspired by her efforts to raise awareness and funds for Lyme through Ink for Lyme, a national tattooing event that has raised over $10,000 for Lyme research, a new children’s book about two friends, one sick with Lyme and the other finding a way to be a friend through hardship, and the Smile Boxes that are delivered to children to remind them that they are not alone. There is no one more deserving of this award than Lauren.
Heather Colman-McGill
" Heather has touched so many lives and that is apparent by the numerous heart-felt notes we received from her friends from all over the world. She is such a special person and her strength in the midst of relentless suffering and her compassion for others has had a profound affect on all of us."
"As a Lyme survivor and healing coach, I have been privy to many healing journeys. Heather's has been one of the most tragic and awe-inspiring. Tragic because the healthcare and social welfare system has put up multiple enormous blockades to her healing, and awe-inspiring because she has continued to press forward. She is so determined to live. Even with extremely limited energy and severe pain. Heather continues to stand up for herself, and amazingly others. Heather understands well that healing and social change both require community and she is a real master at cultivating it. She has friends and allies all over the country (and probably the world). I'm always amazed that she continues to ask how I'm doing and continues to support others even when she is in deep crisis. Heather is an incredible human being and we are lucky to have her in our lives."
LymeLight Foundation
After I was diagnosed with Lyme my family & I had no clue how we would afford the proper (costly) treatments, Dr. appointments & supplements I needed. LymeLight stepped in and completely supported my journey to healing, not only financially but through numerous resources & emotional support as well! They’ve been nothing short of amazing & are a huge blessing in my life to this day. I will forever be grateful for them & will always stand by their mission.
Dr. Bill Rawls
I would like to share a person in the Lyme community who has inspired me personally and professionally - Dr. Bill Rawls. He has been very open about his own journey with Lyme Disease, as a medical doctor himself, and has made it his mission to help others with tons of free information that is easy to understand and use. Most importantly, he removes a lot of the fear around having Lyme and replaces it with empowerment. He digs down to root causes, connects dots, and helps people find the least invasive, most natural ways of supporting and healing the body. Instead of the more common approaches to Lyme, which many of us sensitive individuals cannot tolerate, he provides alternatives based on his infinite knowledge of how the body works and what it needs to do so optimally. He is also completely honest and doesn’t “sugar coat” things or make it look like he is a completely healed superhero…sharing things like the fact that he still doesn’t tolerate nuts very well, and that everyone is different and needs to listen to their own bodies.
For these reasons, and many more, I see Dr. Rawls as a crucial resource and beacon of hope in my life and the Lyme community as a whole. I am beyond grateful for his empathy and dedication to helping others heal and get their lives back!